Welcome to a stimulating and relaxing stay with us! Hotel Norrvalla in Vörå offers comfortable, functional, and well-equipped facilities in an inspiring environment. There are also camping opportunities in the area.
Website: www.folkhalsan.fi
Address: Vöråvägen 305-307, Vörå

Lillstugan, a traditional cottage in the Ostrobothnian countryside with a sauna.
Website: www.airbnb.se
Address: Vöråvägen 897, Vörå

A stay at Selmas Torp provides just the kind of unique relaxation you might need during your holiday. Selmas Torp is located near Nabbens guest harbor and just a stone's throw from the popular summer restaurant, Nabbens restaurant. Accommodation available for 6 – 8 people.
Website: www.selmastorp.fi

We serve businesses, communities, and individuals/tourists with accommodation, restaurant, and program services from March to November. We organize meetings, family celebrations, and excursions that can include overnight stays, meals, conference services, sauna baths, and guided tours.
Website: www.wastinn.fi
Address: Västerö 1587, Maxmo

The idyllic farm environment of Klemetsgårdarna holds a unique cultural heritage.
A Local Heritage Museum with a summer café, exhibitions, and a wide range of cottages for rent.
Website: maxmo.sou.fi
Address: Kärklaxvägen 308, Maxmo

Camping Norrvalla, Vöråvägen 305, Vörå, www.folkhalsan.fi
Oravais harbor camping, Strandbyvägen 120, Oravais.
Sandskatan rest area, Västerö 1630, Maxmo, www.maxmoskargard.fi